A Princess For Five Seconds (& Maybe Longer)
When an attractive young man said "Hello, Princess" to me the other day, I was aware that an expression of surprise had registered on my face, and also on his as I drew nearer !
Nevertheless, the incident provided an opportunity for pleasant reflection. Had some fairy god mother waved her magic wand for me, thereby setting up a visual illusion, albeit it very transient ? I had, or so it seemed, become a good deal more than "Ten Years Younger" without extreme change to my appearance or apparel.
The truth is probably that I actually like a cold sunny snap of weather (I'm a bit of an Ice Queen in fact) and that my sometimes colourful clothes, which may look out of place on a dull day, give me a happy and healthy glow on a chilly one.
All this reminds me that there is a great deal of nonsense around the subjects of health and beauty, and that I shall be looking at these in future Janet Stone blogs, hopefully with good sense.