Thursday, August 09, 2007

Blog resumes with the Problem of Perelandra

Readers of my blog @ (where I have been for several months now) will know that I am a great fan of C S Lewis's "The Cosmic Trilogy". However, whilst I veritably raced through the final volume, "That Hideous Strength", first, and then fairly swiftly followed this up with the first volume, "Out of the Silent Planet", I now find myself stuck on "Perelandra", (incidentally, the planet Venus in Lewis's cosmology), the middle volume of the trilogy. Central to this book is an encounter with "The Green Lady", but try as I may, I cannot "bond" with her or the book. Perhaps not all Green Ladies (amongst whom I would like to count myself) are from Venus : personally, I much preferred the Malacandrans (or Marsians) of the first volume.

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